SHRM Exam Overview
To earn the SHRM credential, you need to pass all four sections of the Uniform SHRM Examination.
Find out more about each exam section and its key topics.
Exam Format
4 hours long, computer-based:
• SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP exams consist of 160 multiple-choice questions:
- 95 knowledge
- 65 situational judgment
• Both exams include “field test” items that do not count toward a candidate’s final score.
Exam Topics
1. Behavioral Competencies
- Leadership
- Business
Item Type:
- Situational Judgment (40%)
- Foundational Knowledge (10%)
2. Technical Knowledge (HR Knowledge Domain)
- People
- Organization
- Workplace
Item Type:
- HR-Specific Knowledge (50%)
Exam Requirements
You will find below the requirements to sit for each exams.